API Reference

These are the REST APIs available on Elevate. You can click on each API for details of the endpoints available.

Authentication API

Authentication to the REST API via bearer token

Admin API

Admin level maintenance e.g. billing cycles, suppliers, invoice templates

Bill Run API

Customer bill run management

Contract API

Contract profiles and customer/RPI contract assignment

Customer API

Customer and site management

Document API

Document management

Events API

Access to time-based events recorded within Elevate

Inventory API

Usage (UPI), rental (RPI) and adhoc inventory management

Invoice API

Access to customer invoices and invoice payment events

Mediation API

File mediation

Notifications API

Email notification status

Payment API

Payment and refund management

Pricing API

Usage/rental rates and inclusive usage management

Pricing Assignment API

Assignment of usage/rental rate cards and overrides

Product API

Usage and rental product management

Provisioning API

Activate, reactivate, suspend and deactivate mobile SIMs

Reference Data API

Reference data management : dial-strings, call-class, charge groups

Rental Rating API

Calculation of early termination charges (ETC), retrieval of rental rated sell, buy, and suspense records