Elevate Payment and Refund API (1.29)

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Payment Management

Provides read & write access to payment entities.


  • PaymentProvider - a representation of a system that Elevate will interoperate with to collect payments, e.g. Go Cardless
  • SitePaymentMandate - a token from the payment provider that gives authority to take a direct debit from a bank account
  • InvoicePayment - a single payment for an invoice that has happened externally or passed to a payment provider to collect funds
  • AdhocInvoicePayment - a single payment for an adhoc invoice that has happened externally or passed to a payment provider to collect funds
  • Refund - the funds returned to the customer that have previously been collected
  • CustomerPayments - a single payment to an invoice or customer outstanding balance
  • CustomerOutstandingBalance - the amount a customer is in debt (if negative) or has in credit (if positive)
  • CustomerCreditStatus - returns a customer balance versus their credit threshold
  • PaymentProviderPaymentLink - An external hyperlink that allows a customer to pay for an invoice or any amount towards the customer balance


A representation of a system that Elevate will interoperate with to collect payments, e.g. Go Cardless or Finastra