page required | integer <int32> (PageParam) >= 1 Example: page=1 |
pageSize required | integer <int32> (ResultsPerPageParam) [ 1 .. 1000 ] Results to return per page
Example: pageSize=100 |
sort | string (SortParam) Comma-delimited list of the fields to sort by - defaults to ascending order, suffix :desc to change
Example: sort=id,name | name:desc |
fields | string (FieldsParam) Comma-delimited list of the field(s) to return if only a subset is required
Example: fields=id,name |
type | string (StringFilterParam) Example: type=xyz | in:x,y | like:xyz |
contractOwnerId | integer <int64> (IdParam) >= 1 Filter by contract owner id
Example: contractOwnerId=1 |
instantBankPayments | string (BooleanFilterParam) Filter by those payment providers that support instant bank payments
Example: instantBankPayments=true | false |
retryIfPossible | string (BooleanFilterParam) Filter by those payment provider's retryIfPossible flag
Example: retryIfPossible=true | false |